Fechner Legal is a very effective law firm working in the field of online copyright protection for creators. Particularly popular with professional landscape, event, travel, and product photographers from around the world. Fechner Legal also offers legal services in the field of employment law in Germany.

Copyright law is very important in the era of digitization of art. Sadly, many people still see nothing wrong with intellectual property theft. Artists whose artworks are published online without their consent can count not only on our help in removing the artwork from the infringer’s website or social media platform but also on our help in claiming an appropriate compensation for the illegal use.

Years of experience in out-of-court negotiations as well as many won cases in courts all over Europe have been appreciated by hundreds of clients. After many years of fruitless efforts, creators finally got the opportunity to recover money from copyright infringements. It was not possible in the past.

If you received a warning letter from attorney Robert Fechner, please do not ignore it. It is legitimate request. Of course, we understand that the legal procedure can be stressful and therefore you have every right to feel upset. If the situation is overwhelming you, you should either reply to robert.fechner@fechner.legal and try to find the solution or if you feel it is too much, we would recommend to consult a lawyer specializing in the field of intellectual property.

Please remember that there are many websites created by fake “advisors”, so choose carefully who to choose. Sometimes, bad legal advise can costs you more than the quick settlement agreement.

If you don’t know what to do, you should read our guideline here.

Fechner Legal also offers legal services in the field of employment law. One of our main goals is to help foreign employees in case of unlawful termination of the contract in Germany. In the field of labour law, we operate comprehensively - we advise and enforce due rights, but also try to teach our clients how to prevent situations that may contribute to breach of these rights. The same goes for copyright law.

In summary, attorney Robert Fechner offers professional legal assistance in every area of Intellectual Property Law, mainly in Copyright Law as well as in the field of Labour law in Germany.  Using photography or any other products of human creativity without author’s consent is a serious violation of the law. The problem of losing jobs is another crucial issue of today’s world in which we are trying to help. It became even more important in the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo credit: TA design / Shutterstock